Ana Liffey does not charge for any of its addiction services.
Exhibition highlights lives blighted by drugs in Dublin’s North East Inner City
December 20, 2018
Lord Mayor of Dublin launches the ‘People Like Us’ portrait exhibition of people whose lives have been blighted by drugs in the North East Inner City.
Humans of Dublin has worked with Ana Liffey Drug Project to produce a portrait & life story exhibition of people that Ana Liffey are working with through their Assertive Case Management Team in Dublin’s North East Inner City. Lord Mayor of Dublin Nial Ring launched the exhibition in Unit 3 James Joyce St at noon on 20th December 2018.
People Like Us
At the launch of the ‘People like us’ exhibition Lord Mayor of Dublin Nial Ring said,
“As Lord Mayor of Dublin, I’m acutely aware of the problems of drug use in our communities. My own constituency is the North Inner City, where for many years drugs have destroyed lives, torn families apart and deeply damaged the fabric of our unique local community which thankfully has fought back with the help of projects like the Ana Liffey Drug Project to protect the future generations.”
The Lord Mayor continued:
“Ana Liffey work on the ground in the North East Inner City of Dublin; and I commend their collaboration with ‘Humans of Dublin’ to create this portrait & life story project. Supported by the 2018 Community Grant Scheme, the project is designed to further destigmatise people of the North East Inner City; and I think it certainly has gone someway to doing this. Through their willingness to share their image, and their story, each brave subject has helped our community, and for that I am grateful.”
People Like Us
Attending the launch of ‘People like us’, Tony Duffin CEO of Ana Liffey Drug Project explained the process the project took,
“We asked people we were working with if they would like to share their story. The people that participated have quite different stories to tell, but all are very powerful in their own right. Over a couple of days Peter Varga, of Humans of Dublin, met and interviewed these six people and took their photographs. As we can see Peter is very good at getting the best out of people.”
Duffin continued,
“I encourage everyone to visit the exhibition, you really will get a better understanding of the difficulties facing people that Ana Liffey are working with in Dublin’s North East Inner City. This is a wonderful community which is often tainted by negative stories in the press. It is important to show the lived experience of some of the people from the area and this exhibition helps do that.”