The ‘Law Engagement & Assisted Recovery’ project – a new name and an expanded service in Dublin!

June 3, 2022

Formerly known as the ‘Assertive Case Management’ project – the service has been renamed as the Law Engagement & Assisted RecoveryTM (LEAR) project. This name change comes at a time when AnaLiffey has been supported to expand it’s work in Dublin’s North East Inner City.

Eight years of working in partnership

2016: Members of the Law Engagement & Assisted RecoveryTM team on street outreach

Since 2014, the LEAR project has had boots on the ground in Dublin City Centre. The project is led operationally by Ana Liffey and consists of a frontline multidisciplinary team with members of Ana Liffey, An Garda Siochána and Dublin Regional Homeless Executive providing intensive case management services to people entrenched in street life in the city centre.

“An Assertive Case Management Team was established in September 2014. Run by the Ana Liffey Drug Project and supported by a Higher-Level Group (HLG) of senior stakeholders, it is tasked with identifying, approaching, engaging with and assisting those individuals with complex and multiple needs.”, Brendan Kenny – Dublin City Council, Deputy Chief Executive Dolphin, E. (2016). Evaluation Report. Assertive Case Management Team Pilot. Dublin: Health Service Executive.

A new name

Based on our experience of the last eight years, the new name encapsulates our partnership work with An Garda Síochána, our proactive work with the Courts and Probation Service; as well as our strong partnership work with a wide range of agencies to help people meet diverse goals and to achieve recovery from a problematic lifestyle to the standard the person desires.

An expanded service

Law Engagement & Assisted Recovery (LEAR)
2022: Law Engagement & Assisted RecoveryTM (LEAR) Team

The LEAR project has been active in Dublin 1 and Dublin 2 since 2014.  In 2021, the project expanded to work in Dublin 8; and in 2022 the project has been further expanded to focus on the North East Inner City (NEIC).

Supported by HSE CH09; the NEIC Programme Implementation Board; and the North Inner City Local Community Safety Partnership.  Four new staff have joined Ana Liffey to deliver the LEAR project in the NEIC area.

For more information on the LEAR project visit the dedicated page here


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